Here we have the Elthunder V3 Mechanical Mod Clone and this replica is coming in at a much more reasonable price than the original. First of all the device is fully mechanical, so please ensure that you know about battery safety and ohms law before using one of these. Especially considering the original manufacturer recommends that you run your batteries positive side down, which is a little unusual.
At the top there is a hybrid connection on this Elthunder V3 Mechanical Mod Clone so your atomizer makes direct contact with the battery. As a result you get a hard hitting mod with a very quick ramp up time. Moving down to the switch you’ll find that it is spring loaded, and also self cleaning. So if you’ve been looking to try this amazing device, but can’t afford to fork out the high cost of the authentic version. Then why not give this Elthunder V3 Mechanical Mod Clone a try?
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Elthunder V3 Mechanical Mod Clone – $17.37
Here’s a review of the Authentic Elthunder V3 Mech Mod by GrimmGreen: